Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | Agnus Dei(OS003)(CS006).pro

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Agnus Dei(OS003)(CS006).pro
Orig Key: G | New Key:

Title: Agnus Dei(OS003)(CS006)

Subtitle: Key=G

Verse 1

G   C  G        G   C  C/G
Alleluia,       Alleluia
C                         G
For our Lord God Almighty reigns
G   C  G        G   C  C/G
Alleluia,       Alleluia
C                         G
For our Lord God Almighty reigns
G   C  C

Chorus 1

           D     G  C     G
           Ho - ly, Ho - ly
        C    G   Em    D
Are You Lord God Almighty
Am            C
Worthy is the Lamb
Am            C
Worthy is the Lamb
C       D     G
You are Ho - ly
D     G         C/G  G   Em    D
Ho - ly are You Lord God Almighty
Am            C
Worthy is the Lamb
Am            C
Worthy is the Lamb
C   G
A - men

************** REPEAT

End song

C   G
A - men

Key: G